Management and Operational Team

Shakawat Hossain

National Operation Manager

Shakawat Hossain excels in his role as the National Operation Manager at HAEFA, bringing his expertise to drive operational success. With a Business Administration degree from East West University in Dhaka, he possesses a strong academic foundation. During his time as a student, Shakawat actively contributed to rural eCommerce projects supported by the a2i Programme, ICT Division, and UNDP, gaining valuable experience in this domain.
His professional journey encompasses in a diverse range of business verticals and projects, including rural MSME eCommerce, Telecommunication, and MSME portfolio management. Throughout his career, Shakawat has been a staunch advocate for the development of rural SMEs, dedicating his efforts to their advancement. This commitment has allowed him to amass significant expertise in optimizing operational flows within different organizations.
Within HAEFA, Shakawat is driven by the organization’s core purpose, striving to ensure effective operational flow. He plays a pivotal role in HAEFA’s mission, combining his passion for service with his knack for streamlining operations.

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Cape Town, South Africa