HAEFA Newsletter – March 2022

HAEFA Celebrates International Women's Day

HAEFA recognizes and appreciates the women who have been spearheading its humanitarian mission.

Congratulations, Poet Kamal Chowdhury

Greetings and congratulations to one of HAEFA’s most ardent supporters and well-wishers, Poet Kamal Chowdhury, who recently received the national “Ekushey Padak” for his outstanding contributions to literature. Dr. Chowdhury is currently the Chief Coordinator of the National Implementation Committee for the Celebration of Mujib Borsho as well as the former Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh.

We thank the United States for recognizing the Myanmar persecution of the Rohingya as GENOCIDE

New Fire Prevention Measures Installed at Health Clinics in Kutupalong and Balukhali

Rohingya refugees living in Cox’s Bazar camps recently experienced six fire incidents, which swept through the vulnerable community leaving thousands of people homeless.  As a member and health care provider to this community, HAEFA responded by taking measures to prevent further fires and minimize the detrimental effects of this humanitarian crisis. Fire extinguishers and buckets of sand have been installed and placed respectively at all HAEFA FDMNs.

HAEFA Increases Accessibility Through New Access Ramps

HAEFA has been providing non-discriminatory primary health care services to refugees and host community since the establishment of refugee camps at Cox’s Bazar. In an effort to improve accessibility for patients experiencing physical disabilities and with limited mobility, HAEFA installed a new handicap-accessible ramp at the FDMN clinic.

HAEFA’s Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment Program

Kurigram District:

  • More than 2900 women were screened for cervical cancer in the Upazila Health Complex (UHCs) + Camps.
  • Among them, more than 30 cases were found positive in the Upazila Health Complex (UHCs) + Camps. The colposcopy camps were conducted by the HAEFA Project Medical Officer and Clinical Manager in the presence of Govt. Senior Staff Nurses (SSN) and Midwife (MW) of District Hospital.
  • Additionally, more than 5 patients were followed-up with a second VIA screening test and colposcopy.
  • More than 5 were identified as suspected cancer patients and referred to Rangpur Medical College and the National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital (NICRH), Mohakhali, Dhaka for further treatment.

Cox’s Bazar District:

  • More than 2900 women were screened for cervical cancer in 7 VIA Centers (Sadar Hospital, MCWC, Ramu UHC, Maheshkhali UHC, Chakaria UHC, Pekua UHC, Kutubdia UHC) and 12 VIA camps in the respective upazilas of Cox’s Bazar including two hard-to-reach areas, Kutubdia and Maheshkhali.
  • More than 20 cases were found positive for cervical cancer among them, through the initial VIA screening test and referred for further investigation.
  • Moreover, more than 15 patients were followed-up with a second VIA screening test and colposcopy in Cox’s Bazar Sadar Hospital. For treatment, more than 1 thermocoagulation was performed.
  • More than 5 were also identified as suspected cancer patients and referred to Chattogram Medical College and the National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital (NICRH), Mohakhali, Dhaka for further treatment.

Rohingya FDMN/Refugees Camp Updates

In the month of February 2022, more than 6,740 refugees have received free medical care and medicine from HAEFA.
A February summary of the medical conditions of the patients treated by the three camps operated by HAEFA is provided below:

  • Balukhali (Camp 9): HAEFA team provided health care services to more than 1,890 in the Balukhali camp.
  • Kutupalong (Camp 1w): HAEFA team provided health care services to more than 3,160 patients in the Kutupalong camp.
  • Bhashan Char (FDMN): HAEFA team provided health care services to more than 1,690 patients in the Bhashan Char FDMN camp.

The most prevalent cases found in these camps were fever, cough, diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension (HTN), skin diseases, asthma, and presumptive TB.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa