Cervical cancer and the history making of Kurigram

Today is our 4th day of the Single-visit “See-and-Treat” Cervical cancer screening and treatment program in Kurigram. Yesterday, December 3rd 2021, Kurigram made a history in the treatment of cervical cancer in Bangladesh !
Women aged 30-60 years of age who will be diagnosed with pre-cancerous lesion (<carcinoma-in-situ 2) in the uterine cervix will no longer need to leave their families/job to travel 50 to 70 KM or cross Dhorola or Dudhkumar rivers to go to Rangpur medical college !
All women from 9 upazilas (subdistricts) of Kurigram will get their treatment the same day by a MobileODT (optical detection technology) and a hand-held battery-operated Thermocoagulator for Cervical cancer. This procedure will make them disease-free at least for 5 years.
Congratulations to all the team members from DGHS-UNFPA-FCDO-Brown and HAEFA !
Excellent team work ! Thank you all. This is truly great – you now have successfully established the Single-visit, ‘See-and-Treat’ Cervical Cancer screening and treatment model in Kurigram ! The first district to do it ever in Bangladesh! My heartiest Congratulations to all involved !!
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